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The Biosecurity Portal (BSP) is a jointly funded initiative between the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) to provide a centralised repository and gateway to online biosecurity information for collaboration and sharing. In essence, the BSP aims to strengthen Australia’s biosecurity research, surveillance, diagnostic and response capability, by enabling researchers, industry and governments, to collaborate, use expertise, share data, information, and generate intelligence using leading edge tools and technologies made available through the BSP’s online workspaces.

At the completion of the department’s development funding for the Biosecurity Portal there will be a self-supporting operational system (including hardware, software and maintenance) that can be marketed to researchers, industry and governments that delivers against its core purposes.

  • Collaborative workspaces and knowledge bases
  • Advanced workflow automation
  • Low cost web hosting services
  • Centralised information repositories and sharing

Consultative Committee on Emergency Plant Pests

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Consultative Committee on Emergency Plant Pests (CCEPP) is the key technical coordinating body providing the link between the Australian Government, state and territory governments, industry, Plant Health Australia (PHA) and the National Management Group (NM​G) for plant pest emergencies. Its role is to co-ordinate the national technical response to emergency plant pests, and to advise meetings of the NMG on emergency plant pest issues in accordance with the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed

To maintain the strict security around the information pertaining to each Emergency Response, access to this site is restricted to the Secretariat of the CCEPP and authorised CCEPP Members.

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For further information, access or assistance please email the administrator of the CCEPP site: